What is it that leaves the body at death?
WHAT LEAVES THE BODY AT DEATH? An edited conversation with a friend: ~~~ Friend: What leaves the body at death? It can’t be consciousness, right? Reply: The body leaves every night in deep sleep 😴. The body leaves in the absence … Continue reading
Self realization… Is it that important?
SELF REALIZATION… IS IT THAT IMPORTANT? Friend: Ramana Maharshi said that the greatest service we can render the world is to become Self-realized. Is this because my whole world is within me? I don’t understand why- other than our own … Continue reading
The belief in good and bad
Hi Magdi, You say “The belief in good and bad is imaginary”. Is that because all beliefs are imaginary? I understand that good/bad are conditioned points of view, but aren’t some expressions of consciousness clearer than others? Love, R Dear … Continue reading
Only transparent aware presence IS without an experiencer.
Hi Magdi, You say “The belief in good and bad is imaginary”. Is that because all beliefs are imaginary? I understand that good/bad are conditioned points of view, but aren’t some expressions of consciousness clearer than others? Love, R Dear … Continue reading
Does non duality belittle silent sitting practices?
Bill Reinecke In the non dual community it seems that only rarely, such as here, that sitting meditation is mentioned. It is even scorned and belittled by some who seem to believe this is a philosopher’s sport. Why is this? Don’t … Continue reading
Transcending the separate mind
Dear friend, One can sit for 20-30 years and not transcend the personal identification. Transcending the separate mind requires a passionate investigation, inquiry into the Self, complete surrender and grace. You have a glimpse that you are not the body … Continue reading
What leaves the body at death?
Bill Reinecke What leaves the body at death? It can’t be consciousness, right? Magdi Badawy The body leaves every night in deep sleep 😴. The body leaves in the absence of mind. When identification is absent, the body is experienced as the weather … Continue reading
What is the I that wants this or that?
What is this I that wants this or that? ~~ Either this I is real or illusion imagination. If it is real, it must be the same reality that perceives this perception. What is the reality that perceives right now? … Continue reading
Magdi Badawy November 29, 2017 · Magdi. I would like to know what is your understanding of forgiveness. My understanding is that nothing happened, there is nothing to forgive, as the ‘separation’ from God/Love was ‘corrected’ in the same instant that … Continue reading
How do I reconnect?
HOW DO I RECONNECT? REMAINING FREE FROM EXPECTATIONS. Dear Magdi, I have another question for you. When I went through a very difficult time, personally and professionally (a huge personal inquiry) I took distance and felt resentment and judgmental of … Continue reading
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