Question: If consciousness is all knowing why does it need to manifest?
Question: If consciousness is all knowing why does it need to manifest? Reply: for your awakening. Friend: What do you mean? Reply: consciousness appears as a body mind to refer you to itSelf. Friend: Why would it do that? Reply: … Continue reading
Happiness and Experience
HAPPINESS AND EXPERIENCE Hi Magdi, Here seems to be a commonly held experience: I’m happy because I’m having a happy experience. Though on reflection it seems the reverse is truer: I’m enjoying a happy experience because I’m happy. And that … Continue reading
Happiness and the mind
Hi Magdi, Here seems to be a commonly held experience: I’m happy because I’m having a happy experience. Though on reflection it seems the reverse is truer: I’m enjoying a happy experience because I’m happy. And that happiness seems to … Continue reading
The Paradox of Non-doing
The Paradox of Non-doing Question: Most of us are habitual doers that want to be in control, needing to get somewhere and have something to show for it. We live in a world where self-improvement is a high priority and … Continue reading
Is the body necessary to know I exist?
IS THE BODY NECESSARY TO KNOW I EXIST? Friend: Hi Dear Magdi, I was walking and contemplating today and the thought came to me “Is the body necessary to know I exist?” And then as I sit in silence and … Continue reading
When you contemplate the reality of your experience, do you find yourself as a limited form or do you find yourself as seamless awareness?
September 26, 2017 · Friend: You speak all the time that the sense of being a person is false. For me, it is self evident that I am me, this person. For me, self evidence is a good evidence. Why should … Continue reading
A dream without a dreamer
If there is no separate self, doesn’t it then all become a dream without a dreamer? Magdi Badawy All is consciousness… One could say that there is a dream (night dream and/or waking dream) without a separate self dreamer, and one … Continue reading
Beyond time and space
BEYOND TIME AND SPACE Friend: What does it mean to be beyond time and space? Reply: Thoughts create time. The senses, in particular sight, creates space. The ‘now and then’ is a product of thought and the ‘here and there’ … Continue reading
Does the body manage itself?
DOES THE BODY MANAGE ITSELF? Friend: It is my impression that the body manages itself. Reply: What is your relationship to the body? Friend: I don’t know! Reply: You perceive the body, don’t you? You perceive the bodily sensations, the … Continue reading
How does one forget the “Self”?
A CONVERSATION WITH A FRIEND: Friend: How does one forget one’s “self”? Reply: By believing and feeling that ‘I’ refers to a mortal body mind, the Self is overlooked. Yet, a more interesting question is what is the path to … Continue reading
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