A conversation with a friend: Is it possible to have an experience without an experiencer?
A conversation with a friend: ~~~ Friend: There is no experiencer, but is there still an experience. Is it possible to have an experience without an experiencer? Reply: No. As long as there is an experience there is an experiencer. … Continue reading
A conversation with a friend: About fear of losing my identity
A conversation with a friend: About fear of losing my identity ~~~ Friend: I’d like to ask you about an experience i’ve had. I was contemplating yesterday before sleep and i was so focused on the awareness or space. i … Continue reading
Suffering and the path
Friend: In suffering you will become either a) heartless robot ignoring human emotions and devoid of compassion, b) broken down scared victim, or c) true human with heart and soul, able to face reality with honor and sincerity. Magdi: d) … Continue reading
Ordinary mind
A response to a friend’s comment/question: ~~~ Friend: : “Magdi, What is, is ordinary. You have never been in absence of your ability to cognate. Whatever you point to as consciousness is arising from a process of cognition. That cognition … Continue reading
Conversation with a friend: Higher Reasoning and Contemplation
Conversation with a friend ~~~ Friend: How can thinking about what you are not change your mentality of who you think yourself to be? Reply: No thought or idea can reveal the truth. No thought can reveal the Self eternal. … Continue reading
Reply to a friend: About intuition
Hi dear Magdi, I would like to ask your input please. These days there is a mix between relaxation and confidence and seeing the magic unfolding, and then in the same day, something different happens that the mind classifies as … Continue reading
How to deal with depression?
An edited conversation with a friend: ~~~ Question from a friend: I wanted to ask you, on how to deal with depression, my brother is abroad and i’m here alone, and i feel depression for no reason at all !! … Continue reading
Awakening goes beyond the revelation and the understanding that there is no separate self. The revelation of the universality of consciousness remains to be revealed. The understanding of what I am not is only a step along the path to … Continue reading
Should I heal the past?
Dear Magdi, I had an unpleasant interaction with someone and it bothers me. Should I try to heal or harmonize such a past event, even if i don’t se that person again? Is it good to heal the past? How … Continue reading
Why does consciousness act as if it is a person?
Question: Although consciousness is NOT a thing, it acts like one in the mere person identity. It acts as a human being? Did consciousness somehow forget that it is playing the game of hide n seek to experience itself like … Continue reading
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