I am machine
That which gives the impression that ‘I am machine’ is the belief in matter, the belief in a physical reality.Believing that there is a reality called matter, leads to the impression of physicality and has yet to be established by … Continue reading
One heart
One heart 💜Indivisible. Whole.In spite of the impression of separation, there are no separate selves. The reality of being is the ocean of love.This is such a precious time as our current common experience points to the impermanence of the impermanent … Continue reading
Sharing insight
Wanting to share and looking for validation and support seem natural.Insights into our true nature have a profound effect. Sometimes the effect of a glimpse are noticeable sooner and at times later. It is like an irreversible crack in the … Continue reading
There is no separate thinker
There is no separate thinker of thought. All events, including thought are universal events. Like the galaxies and their gravitational fields, like the weather. Impersonal cosmic events. When you take a close look at the thinker, you only find consciousness … Continue reading
I, awareness permeates the entire experience
When the mind is silent as well when the mind is active, I/Aware presence permeates the entire experience. One could say that when the mind is silent, I/aware presence permeates experience knowingly.When the mind is active, although I/aware presence does … Continue reading
Clarity and harmonious living
I do agree that clarity is helpful for a more harmonious living. When we confuse the content of our experience (which is constantly changing) with the changeless reality of experience, we are missing the core of the teaching. The non … Continue reading
Without becoming
Sensations appear to us, which we refer to as body. Perceptions appear to us, which we refer to as world. Mentation appears to us, thinking, feeling, sensing, imagining, which we refer to as mind. Contemplation reveals that consciousness/awareness, which we … Continue reading
When you are identified
When you are identified as a person, as a mortal body mind, you are experiencing yourself as a separate self, as a dream character and you are not knowingly yourself.Like in your night dream, you may imagine yourself to be … Continue reading
All rivers flow to the ocean
All rivers flow to the ocean. Each according to its condition.At the heart of every drop of water is love of the ocean.Aranachula represents the ocean within our heart.Nourishing, acknowledging, honoring this love makes it bloom into full fledged bliss … Continue reading
Praying to God
Praying to god.~~~When you pray to god, do not pray from a distance.When you pray to god from a distance, you are not heard. You are only hearing yourself.To pray to god, you have to get very close and closer … Continue reading
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