When you say reality is ‘this’ or ‘this is it’, you may be on point or you may be off depending on what you are referring to.
If by ‘this is it’ you are referring to body mind matter, you are off since you are referring to manifestation, you are referring to nama rupa (name and form) which are mind arising.
All mind arising are the reflection of that which is beyond reflection, the non-arising.
The real ‘this is it’ is the non reflection. You know the real upon your complete dissolution out of the conditional realm into the vast formless being that has no name or form. Beyond experience.
If you continue to confuse the form with the formless, equating them, you are mistaking the pink flying elephant to be the reality of the Self.
The real ‘this is it’ is the formless Self and not nama rupa.
Manifestation serves its function in referring you to the source. But if it refers you to itself, you are missing the point.