Question: What is the difference between the ego and the self?
Reply: The difference between ego (the me/personal impression) and the Self is similar to the difference between the moonlight and the sunlight.
The moonlight belongs to the sunlight, that is its source.
The light of the moon is, in fact, not the moonlight. It is the sunlight shining onto the moon.
The reality of the moonlight is the sunlight. Similarly the reality of the ego is the Self, like the reality of the pink flying elephant in your night dream is you, the dreamer. You, consciousness, the true perceiver.
The sunlight shines freely. It does not know moon, mountain, river, stream. It knows itself as sunlight and that is sufficient unto itself.
Another metaphor is the night dream.
The dream characters that appear in your night dream, as well as all their thought and perceptions are not ‘really’ their own thoughts and perceptions.
All the people in your night dreams, all the perceptions in your night dreams, all the sensations in your night dreams arise out of You (the dreamer). You are dreaming the dream characters as well as all their thoughts.
The reality of the night dreams belongs beyond the night dreams, belongs to the dreamer (consciousness).
What you truly are is not the ego (moonlight), you are the Self (Sunlight).
Universal Self.
Question: What is the purpose of the ego?
What is the purpose of the moonlight?
Reply: The moonlight refers to the sunlight. The moonlight directs you to the source.
The purpose of the ego is to refer you to the Self (Absolute. God. Atman. Universal Reality)
The ego is unhappiness, the Self is Sat-Chit-Ananda. The bliss of Self realization.
Until you awaken to the Self, you are under the spell of separation and you suffer the angst of the sense of lack and the thorn of mortality haunts you.
Question: I draw energy, power and healing from the moonlight. It allows me to see when It is dark, should it be present?
The ego provides judgement, selfishness, and addiction to power. Do we trace the energy of the ego back to source? Is there a difference between Magdi’s self and K’s self?
Reply: The power that you draw is from the sunlight and not from the moonlight. After all there is no such thing as moonlight. It is only a reflection of the sunlight that we call moonlight. It is the source that provides the clarity and the peace and freedom that come hand in hand with this clarity.
You ask: ‘Should the moonlight be present?’ There is no should about it. The moonlight is a reflection of your mind. It is mind. Simply be clear about what it is that is real and what is appearance. Is reality the moonlight or the sunlight?
Then live according to what is real; honoring and contemplating reality and not appearances.
You ask: ‘ Do we trace the energy of the ego back to source? Is there a difference between Magdi’s self and K’s self?’
Yes, for the revelation of the source, you trace all mind impressions to the source. Keep in mind the ego has the energy you give it. Of its own, it is a mirage and is energyless.
There is only one reality. There is no such thing as R’s reality or Magdi’s reality. Although there are infinite mind impressions, there is only one reality, only one source, one Self.
Question: What is the difference between the self and source?
Reply: I refer to the term Self as the absolute, the one reality, the one and only source.
Thus Source=Self.