When the seeking mind is focused on worldly objects, you receive limited impermanent worldly objects that do not fulfill you.
You can turn the mind towards the divine and surrender it to the infinite not knowingness.
A complete abandon to presence that is not defeatist nor resigned, dissolves the impressions of holding back and quiets the mind.
In holding back you are protecting the imaginary sense of separation and maintaining the unhappiness. Your picking and choosing maintains the impression of personal control and personal isolation.
Only in complete surrender will the infinite reveal its grander and glory.
Let God control the show without your involvement in your personal interference and preference.
If you must prefer, prefer God and not the personal impressions and feelings.
True surrender goes beyond the prescriptions of the mind and is an invitation to complete stillness. No matter what arises on the screen.
It is in inviting the stillness and abiding as stillness, that its echoes are heard and felt and the roller coaster ride comes to an end.
Photo by Sasa Gyoker
By Mohamed February 17, 2016 - 7:24 pm
My basic writing prcesos:1. Keep ongoing list of topic ideas.2. Put off writing until one of them grabs me by the throat and says, Write me, damn it! I don’t really consider this a block. My mind is working behind the scenes. However, it sure looks like a block. 3. Tell myself that it’s fine if the first draft totally sucks, then write it all in one uninhibited burst.4. Go back a few days later to revise, add photos, etc. I’m often surprised that the uninhibited download doesn’t suck that much.5. Publish as fast as possible, before I can start to overthink. If it’s a blog post, I can always tweak it later anyway.For me, it’s all about working fast so I can get it done before the demons arrive.
By Magdi Badawy February 17, 2016 - 7:52 pm
Sounds pretty complicated and agitated Mohamed.
Let is flow without trying too hard.
When we try to impress or try to produce or try to crate, we are not natural.
Creativity is much simpler than that.