The tendency to personalize is unhappy.
Thought superimposes an imaginary personal self onto the limitless borderless universal Self.
The recognition of this tendency is an important recognition.
Via the I-thought and the me-feeling, personal concerns haunt us and veil the causeless peace and happiness of the Self.
We are contracted around thoughts about money, thoughts about the health of the body and around myriad egoic images… We live as miser separate selves seeking happiness in the world body mind of our imagination.
Like in Plato’s cave, we are hypnotized by the shadows projected by thought and fail to see the light. We overlook our true nature. We pray that the shadow character we believe we are finds happiness. We fail to see that shadow happiness is not real happiness.
The impersonal invitation to awaken is extended from beyond the cave, available lifetime after lifetime.
Most often it is heard as an echo in the distance.
The recognition is rare.