Is it about direct experience?
Friend: Ultimately, is it about direct experience?~~~Ultimately, it is about the dissolution of ignorance, awakening to truth. Awakening to truth is being truth. Self knowing that establishes you as your true nature, which is eternal, universal and impersonal. Ending the unhappy impression … Continue reading
It is not wise to hold on to that which passes.
It is not wise to hold on to that which passes. It’s an unhappy setup you impose onto yourself. Live gracefully, lightly, freshly and contemplate the eternal. You are the light of being shining through everything and everyone. What appears disappears. Live embracing … Continue reading
Manifestation is impermanent
Yes, all manifestation is impermanent. But I/consciousness is not. ~~~ As long as we remain at the body mind level, we overlook awareness/consciousness which is transparent and the reality of our experience. It is not sufficient to live in presence. We also … Continue reading
Desire for an object
Desire for an object refers to a separate self which is desiring a separate object. Such desire maintains the sense of separation and the sense of lack. Desire for truth, desire for freedom, for love and beauty is different in that … Continue reading
We objectify our experience
As soon as we adopt the perspective of being a separate self, a subject, there is a tendency to objectify our experience. That is how the process of thinking operates once it is infected with the belief in separation. Therefore we tend … Continue reading
Treat others like yourself
Treat others like your very self. The other is your projection which is meant for you to awaken to the wholeness of being. If you maintain duality, you maintain your unhappy projection. You need to contemplate the one reality and not … Continue reading
Body mind and consciousness: Are they ultimately one?
Given the body appears to I Given the body disappears while I remains (such as in deep sleep, anesthesia or between two bodily sensations)Then the body and I are not on equal footing. Given, whenever the body appears, it appears at … Continue reading
It does not matter what arises on the screen. What matters is how and as what you meet what appears.
It does not matter what arises on the screen. What matters is how and as what you meet what appears.When a personal self, when a separate entity meets what arises on the screen of awareness, you experience a contracted mind … Continue reading
My dream
What the mind calls the physical world, God calls my dream. From the point of view of the imagined character that I believe and feel I am, there is an objective world and body as well as a subtle objective … Continue reading
You are not what you imagine yourself to be
You are not what you imagine yourself to be. It is what you truly are that imagines itself to be what you think and feel you are. Therefore, you and your experience are its imagination. Your sense of personal being as well … Continue reading
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