“How do we investigate the nature of mind and the root of samsaric delusion? The very root of delusion is the thought of ‘I’, the habit of clinging to the notion of ‘self’. This notion is simply due to a failure to investigate. There is no such thing as a truly existing, autonomous self. We fabricate this concept in the same way that we make up all our other thoughts. Then, after constructing this self over and over again, we get so used to our invention that it seems to really exist as a distinct entity. Once this thought has deeply taken root, we demand that the self should be happy and comfortable, enjoying wealth and pleasures. If it could be the center of the universe, that would be the best. This attitude is the very basis for our wandering around and around in samsara.” – Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

By Robert Larsen April 18, 2018 - 4:02 pm
If one researches the psychological characteristics of a Narcissist, it is evident that this Dharma is the polar opposite. A planet with 7 billions humans thinking “I” am the most important one, is the root cause of our suffering and violence.
By Magdi Badawy April 18, 2018 - 4:47 pm
Indeed. Without freeing ourselves from this virus that gives total importance to the separate self, misery will go on full blast.
The buck stops here, with my own inquiry into this narcissistic view.
It is my inquiry that is a step in the right direction.
In a way, one could say that my own inquiry is on behalf of all those who are unwilling to investigate on their own.