You are where you are meant to be. There are no accidents. Everything that is required for your unfolding is right here right now. This is the totality, the globality, the entirety. Nothing missing. Dive deeply into the inquiry of the reality of your current experience.
Thus you awaken to the Self.

By Zoe April 10, 2019 - 9:33 pm
🙏 thank you for this – tonight I was walking a trail, contemplating the emptiness of things noticing how the mind wants to assign value, when all comes from the same source….all value is imagined…where could I go that the Self is not ? (and still I would love to be with you all in Costa Rica🤗) …perfect words to end the evening – you are where you are meant to be ❤️
By Magdi Badawy April 12, 2019 - 8:50 pm
Dear Zoe
We are never apart
Much love <3