I read somewhere that in abiding in the clarity of self recognition, dysfunction is seen,and the truest version of myself is continuously revealed. What is this truest version of myself that is continuously revealed?
I have no idea. I don’t perceive any version of myself. How could myself perceive a version of myself? Is the self made out of versions? What would be a version of myself? An image maybe? A wish or a better situation? A better life maybe?
Do you really need this imagination which has nothing to do with what is?
For what is has no thought. What is, is beyond thought and beyond images. You don’t need to burden what is with your narrative. Any narrative is a caricature and is not the real deal.
Narrative free, there is no one abiding in the clarity of self recognition. That is true clarity: the absence of someone. Seeing through the illusion of someone and this seeing is void of a seer, void of a separate perceiver.
No add-ons.
There are no versions of yourself, no versions of the Self.
Simply the silence and stillness of Being/Awareness that cannot be known in the mind, cannot be experienced as thought or images since it is thought and image free.