Comings and goings are dream impressions as the Source is seamless, infinite and eternal.

Comings and goings are dream impressions as the Source is seamless, infinite and eternal.

Magdi Badawy

Most of us are dreaming. We are unaware that we are dreaming a world body mind that seems so real to us..
The human experience takes place at various levels of dream or wakefulness. The more glimpses we have, the thinner the dream becomes. We then experience increasing transparency and the clarity of the light of being.
Deep in the dream, we conceptualize ourselves as an identity, as a body mind. We conceptualize consciousness as the I-thought and me-feeling. Therefore we experience a contracted state and longing for the return to the natural freedom of the Self.
The exploration of the unhappy identified state leads us beyond the conceptual and into the actual. The contemplation of our experience will reveal that there is no evidence to support the concept of a separate consciousness.
Then there is the possibility for consciousness to recognize itself directly without the conceptual self identification.
There is freshness and freedom in this discovery. We are liberated from the sense of separation and the burden of becoming and avoiding.
From then on, it is an ever deepening journey of contemplation and celebration.💗

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