We resist a feeling.The feeling impression which we resist is maintained via our resistance. Although resistance makes sense in certain appropriate circumstances, it is ignorance when resistance is aimed as safeguarding a fictitious character.
The fictitious character is none other than the illusory resisting feeling.
By Chris Victor August 8, 2022 - 8:22 am
So is it accurate to say this is resistance resisting itself? A sort of feedback loop creating “noise” which this illusory identity?
By Magdi Badawy August 8, 2022 - 8:57 am
Hi Chris,
It is important to understand the process of resistance. Resistance is a sort of contraction made out of ‘Not wanting what is’ and ‘wanting something different from what is’.
Why do we do so?
It is because we believe that we need to protect the me. It makes sense to protect the me IF the me is a real entity which needs protection.
In the teaching, you are encouraged to investigate the belief in this me. You are encouraged to investigate the belief that I/consciousness is a mortal body mind.
The question we investigate is the following: What is the evidence that I/consciousness is limited and dependent on the body mind?
Your question is a great question to explore in satsang.